Friday, July 6, 2012

You've Been Approved!

The shop I work for is part of a larger chain that offers its own branded credit card. From time to time they try to drum up more sales in the auto shop by having promotional finance rates on repair bills over x number of dollars. I rarely spend time pondering the complexities of my customer's finances, but today I found myself thinking about how dangerous credit can be to some folks. I suspect the majority of people have felt uncomfortable after realizing they had spent more on their credit cards or other loans than previously anticipated. With some common sense this can be avoided, but what about those who feel compelled to spend because they fear something is dangerous on their vehicle? What's worse, what if it isn't? If my car were in a repair shop, and the mechanic told me it needed ball joints, tie rods, struts and an alignment, and I didn't know any better, what could I do? I don't keep $1000 aside in an emergency car fund(admittedly I should). A credit card with a special rate may be just the ticket to getting my car safely back on the road. If the shop wasn't truthful and just wanted to make a buck, I could be an easy target with a shiny new limited time offer low-rate credit card itching to buy. Thankfully, my technicians are honorable folks who wouldn't take advantage of such a situation(I often double check their diagnosis' to better advise customers in their repair decisions). I guess my conclusion is that special rate credit cards can be beneficial in a pinch for ill-maintained cars, but being prepared for automotive disaster by having some cash in savings earmarked for car repairs is better. Regular maintenance by a garage you trust should help prevent surprises, but ultimately, parts do wear out.

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